The Truth About Faith and Fear

1. Faith expects good things to happen Fear expects bad things to happen

2. Faith takes action Fear holds you back

3. Faith is trust Fear is being suspicious

4. Faith is following your heart Fear is listening to the doubts of others

5. Faith creates peace Fear creates stress

6. Faith is power Fear is weakness

7. Faith produces understanding Fear produces confusion

8. Faith is the fruit of truth Fear is the fruit of lies

9. Faith is an antidote to your fears Fear is a poison to your body and soul

10. Faith must be nourished Fear must be starved

11. Faith keeps you connected to your Source Fear separates you from your Source

12. Faith produces positive results Fear produces negative results

13. Faith is a personal choice Fear is a learned behavior

14. Faith keeps you going Fear gives up

15. Faith is a gift that should be appreciated Fear is a curse that should be rejected

16. Faith in God, others and yourself leads to success Fear in anything leads to failure

17. Faith creates life Fear destroys it

18. Faith is compassionate Fear is unmerciful

19. Faith is patient Fear is anxious

20. Faith believes Fear doubts

21. Faith compliments Fear competes

22. Faith is generous Fear is selfish

23. Faith is light Fear is darkness

24. Faith leads to love Fear leads to anger

25. Faith produces prosperity Fear produces poverty

Keith Cameron Smith These are the first 25 of 101 Distinctions between Faith and Fear reprinted with permission from Keith Cameron Smith, Bestselling Author of The Spiritual Millionaire. Visit his site,

Dr. Tom Goode is the co-founder of the International Breath Institute, which was created in 1991 to teach people how to enhance their health and prevent premature aging. He is also an inspirational speaker, workshop facilitator, and author of five books, the latest of which is The Holistic Guide to Weight Loss, Anti-Aging and Fat Prevention. 

2 Responses to The Truth About Faith and Fear

  1. PrettyOnPurpose says:

    I really enjoyed this text. Thank You!

  2. chapmanperspectives says:

    Thanks for the helpful insight
    Peace 2 U

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