
June 27, 2008

Social Bookmarking

The Planetary Process

April 2, 2008

I first read of the upliftment of humanity, the new dispensation being brought forward and the hopeful shift in consciousness taking place in an article written in 1917! Since then, of course, there has been much activity—including at least 2 world wars and growing conflict leading up to this moment. The US has been through a stock market collapse, depression and recovery to arrive at the present moment of future uncertainty. So what’s going on?

People, according to those who suppose to know, are waking up! What this means is, naturally, subject to interpretation. For some it represents the awareness of the political process—of having observed the emperor with no clothes and the eagerness of those in leadership positions to disrobe to satisfy inner cravings as evidenced by New York state’s former governor. For others it means an awareness of the divisive ego orientation displayed not only by politicians, BUT (blessedly) of one’s self.

This latter form of awakening is the most helpful both for the individual, the country and the world. For the individual, it means no longer contributing to the support of anger, hate and fear. Each individual who disconnects from (hangs up on) that ego process makes a quiet contribution to the well being of the whole—the country and the world.

Yes, in spite of the housing market slump, the stock market movements and the devaluation of the dollar worldwide, there is cause for hope. How is this so? Because the whole reflects outwardly what the individual embraces internally. Thus as more individuals awaken and raise their energetic vibration, the overall vibratory rate is increased. So where is it going and when will we all be eating rainbow stew from a silver cup?

That’s up to you as, for each of use, the world and its inhabitants mirror our consciousness. So Harry, an awakened being, moves about in his life meeting friendly people, enjoying both prosperity and health and strengthening the connection with his family.

George, on the other hand, is currently asleep—oblivious to the ego state he’s in. Not understanding the mirror effect, his ego blames others, creates impatience and anxiety and undermines his heath. He finds it difficult to get along with anyone and even the family cat and dog do their best to avoid him. When the pain of his life becomes sufficient, he will ask something akin to, “Why me?”

Having asked that question of himself, addressed to no one in particular and heard by the Universe nonetheless, his awakening begins. So, you see, the process does work. When the pain of one’s life reaches a certain level, when the individual has had enough; then the questioning begins and awakening takes place.

In the overview, you and I must wonder however, how much more can humanity, both in the US and abroad, take? How much more pain is required to trigger the awakening process, and will growing totalitarianism in the name of democracy, economic loss in the name of progress and young men and women’s lives lost in the name of freedom be required? Hang on!

It has long been predicted that we are in the final stages of the awakening process. Does it mean the end of ego domination? Does it mean an acceleration of personal power leading to dream and goal fulfillment? Does it mean universal healthcare even for those who refuse to take care of themselves? There are many possibilities aren’t there?

As I write on this Friday before Easter as millions prepare to participate in the 3,000 year old tradition of honoring the gods of Persia by hiding, searching for and finding eggs, I ask, “What’s that all about?” As millions also celebrate the promise of resurrection—only a few hundred years old—I ask, “When will they look within?”

These questions I share with you in the hope that you will continue to move forward in your own life and, in so doing, become part of the solution to the world’s trials and tensions. You can do your simple part by remaining focused in your life, on your life and with your breathing.

Your primary tool, Full Wave Breathing, can keep you present and awake, moving through the dream that is your life and your empowered expression of love. Happy Easter!

Breathe and Grow Rich

January 30, 2008

Breathe and Grow Rich:  Self-Care to Enrich Your Whole Life eBook

Your Life is Waiting For You Here’s How to Take the Next Step Breathe and Grow Rich Self-Care to Enrich Your Whole Life Learn the Easy Exercise!

Sure, everyone wants to live a life of purpose, promise and productivity. Only a few have achieved their goals. Why is that? More importantly what can be done about it? You’ve taken the first and most important step by landing on this site. Next, take action, order this amazing book. Why?

In Breathe and Grow Rich, you learn how to:

• Set and achieve goals using new energy
• Relieve stress overload
• Prevent premature aging
• Function at optimal levels

The cost is only $17.95. The value in terms of your health, wealth and joy is priceless. Everything you need is within this one volume. How much do you love yourself? Find out now. There is even a Breathe and Grow Rich Telephone Seminar for you.

Download Bonuses when ordering Breathe and Grow Rich:

  • Tips from 12 Experts to Create Success and Build Resilience in Work and Life
  • The Astonishing Power of Gratitude–from homcreek.com
  • Seven Ways to Prevent Yourself from Becoming Stressed-out, Overworked and Run Down

Order now, download, and start today!

What Your Preschooler Learns by Playing

January 8, 2008

Children learn by playing. Whether it be blocks, puzzles, or the creation of an imaginary world. Fun and games teach. Child development experts have targeted six specific areas that benefit from play. They are—

•Language development
•Small muscle development
•Large muscle development
•Emotional development
•Social development
•Mathematical thinking

As your child’s first teacher, it is important you understand what he is learning when he plays. To do this observe him. Try to determine what skill he is practicing. Then take it a step farther by creating other opportunities for him to apply what he is learning.

Activities That Help Your Preschooler Learn

Each of the above categories develop through a variety of activities. Some overlap and some are very specific. Once you identify what skill your child is practicing you can determine what he is learning and how to help him apply his knowledge. You can start by using these common instances of learning through play to encourage growth and development in your preschooler.

Language Development—Helping children develop a good sense of language helps them better express themselves and their needs.

•Even though your preschooler may not read, label some different color baskets for him to put his things in. For instance, you can label one toys and one shoes. Then show him the labels. This will help him identify words as symbols for though. This also allows him to use his mathematical thinking skills to sort.
•Ask him to help you build a home for one of his stuffed animals. By putting his thoughts into words he is learning how to express himself, which is one of the cornerstones of communication.
•Sing simple repetitive songs and nursery rhymes. Then add movement to the music. This requires that he listen, which is also an important component to language development. 

Small Muscle Development—The small muscle group includes the hands, fingers, wrists, and eyes. Your Preschooler uses his small muscles to do things like tie his shoes and brush his teeth on his own.

•Playing with puzzles is a great way for your preschooler to develop his small muscle group. Places puzzle pieces helps develop hand-eye coordination. Plus, when your child is successful, he will experience a sense of pride and accomplishment, which is always a good thing.
•Playing dress up is a great way to develop small muscles. At first, buttons and zippers can be challenging. Try using dressing songs and rhymes you and he make up to keep the game fun.
•Rolling a ball back and forth between the two of you helps develop the small muscles in his hands, in addition to hand-eye coordination.

Large Muscle Development—The large muscle group includes those in the neck, trunk, legs, and arms. These are the muscles most used in physical play.

•We can all use a little help around the house. Let your preschooler sweep for you. This type of movement develops the large muscles in his arms and upper body.
•Imitating mommy and/or daddy going to work by riding his tricycle to a pretend destination works the muscles in his legs.
•Playing a good old fashioned game of leap frog is a fantastic way to develop muscles in his arms, legs, and trunk.

Emotional Development—Parents and family are most influential during his phase in your preschooler’s growth. He experiences emotions deeply and is beginning to learn how to process them and express himself.

Preschoolers commonly develop fears. Using imaginary play is a good way to offset these fears. Have your child pretend he is a monster or a super hero who is capable of capturing the scary part of darkness.
•Encourage him to use art to express his feelings. By drawing pictures and having him tell you the story behind it, you are giving him an outlet to share feelings he may have otherwise kept bottled up.
•Help him identify emotions through storytelling. When you tell him a story or read a book, ask him what the characters are feeling. Are they happy, sad, excited, or scared.
Social Development—As the name implies, social development is the basis of your preschooler’s relationships. These are the skills he needs to make and be a friend.

•Playing any sort of age appropriate board game with your preschooler will help him learn how to share, which helps him develop friendships.
•Work on his cooperation and negotiation skills by asking him to help you decide what game to play.
•Encourage him to tell you a story about his family and friends. This will help him learn about relationships and identify how he belongs in his world.

Mathematical Thinking—Sorting is one of the ways your child learns to identify groups and categories. Therefore, when he sorts blocks by color, he is learning to think mathematically.

•Let him help you sort the laundry. Have him put socks in one pile and pants in another.
•Give him four spoons and four forks. Ask him to put the like ones together.
•On grocery day, let him help you in the kitchen. Have him put the vegetables in one pile and the fruits in another. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t get this task exactly right.

This also gives an opportunity to practice his language and naming skills.

Caron Goode’s (EdD) insights are drawn from her fifteen years in private psychotherapy practice and thirty years of experience in the fields of education, personal empowerment, and health and wellness. She is the author of ten books and the founder of the Academy for Coaching Parents, a training program for parents & professionals who wish to mentor other parents. A mom and step-mom, she and her husband live in Ft. Worth, Texas. Reach her at caron30@gmail.com.  

Why Am I SO Heavy?

January 6, 2008

Welcome back!  If you are ready to start your FREE Full Wave Breathing program, your New Year is off to a great start.

Here are a few answer to the Question that is the #1 New Years Resolution for 2008:  Why am I SO heavy?

  • Maybe your body has to build fat cells to deal with the toxins to which the body is exposed. When your liver is overloaded it builds fat cells to hold toxic body wastes that cannot yet be processed.
  • Maybe your body is adapting to changes in the movement of the planet and responding to the sun’s altered activity. Maybe you are eating to compensate for changing electromagnetic conditions.
  • Maybe you just need simple quiet, breathing and sitting.
  • Maybe you aren’t getting enough nutrition from your food or are enzyme deficient so you eat more than you otherwise require.
  • Maybe you are increasing your adipose tissue to become more sensitive and attuned to what is going on around you.
  • Maybe you need more sleep.
  • Maybe you think added weight helps you to stay grounded.
  • Maybe you need more activity.
  • Maybe you have a yeast condition that is ten or more years old.
  • Maybe you are adding tissue to become more sensuous or more sensuously aware.
  • Maybe you had an injury that is over ten years old and you are still adapting.
  • Maybe you had an emotional trauma in childhood that you are still compensating for.
  • Maybe you are eating too many carbs that depress you and you want to eat more.
  • Maybe you are eating too many artificial sweeteners that cause you to overeat, crave carbs and stimulate weight gain.
  • Maybe you are eating too many carbs and processed foods that create insulin resistance
  • Maybe you can no longer “hold it in,” and have surrendered the tension of maintaining a specific posture or idealized version of your physical nature.
  • Maybe you have transgenerational stress influencing your genes, empowered by your beliefs.
  • Maybe your “lesson” is to love yourself unconditionally, accept “what is” and get over yourself.
  • Maybe you would benefit from a hypnosis course.

Why is any one person heavy? The reasons and possible combinations are virtually limitless. Most people, however, haven’t even thought about how to be heavy and healthy. Your body is naturally vital and performs self renewal activities. When under stress, the powerful renewable process of breathing fades into shallow breathing and breath holding. You can do yourself an amazing amount of good just by improving your breathing. 

Take 5 Full Wave Breaths now. Repeat every 20 minutes for maximum benefit. Continue forever. Add affirmations; live consciously.

Holistic Solution for the Heavy in Weight:

Get healthy first, bless/give thanks for what we eat, do not obsess, and love our fat for it is likely saving our life. If you have been even thinking about a physical exercise program, give the body a head start with energy and begin exercise with Full Wave Breathing.

Keep breathing!


Dr. Tom Goode is the co-founder of the International Breath Institute, which was created in 1991 to teach people how to enhance their health and prevent premature aging. He is also an inspirational speaker, workshop facilitator, and author of five books, the latest of which is The Holistic Guide to Weight Loss, Anti-Aging and Fat Prevention.

Breathing for the Holidays!

December 25, 2007

Just wanted to take a moment to say that the holidays can be very stessful and filled with activities.  Remember to keep breathing!  IBI will be back after the Christmas holiday with methods to take you into the New Year with srong breathing techniques.

 Until then….Just Breathe!

About The Author …

Dr. Tom Goode is the co-founder of the International Breath Institute, which was created in 1991 to teach people how to enhance their health and prevent premature aging. He is also an inspirational speaker, workshop facilitator, and author of five books, the latest of which is The Holistic Guide to Weight Loss, Anti-Aging and Fat Prevention.

Heart Healthy Practices for Children

December 21, 2007

Heart disease is not just for grandpa anymore. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), heart disease can originate in childhood. In a recently concluded study, the NIH discovered many of the conditions that lead to heart disease, including high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries can begin as early as age five.

In addition to physical changes, the study also identified several key environmental factors. These include poor diet, lack of exercise and tobacco use, all of which can result in high blood pressure and obesity at any age. It is common knowledge that children consciously and unconsciously mimic their parents. Therefore, raising heart healthy children means choosing a heart healthy lifestyle.

The best way of encouraging children to adopt your healthy lifestyle is to empower them with knowledge. Children are eager to learn the truth as it pertains to their bodies and lives. Teaching them how the heart and circulatory system function is a great place to start. Use age appropriate explanations to describe the effect nutritious food, quality water, and regular exercise have on heart health. In addition, find simple and loving ways to explain some of the common causes of heart disease.

Teaching Heart Healthy Habits

oExercise: According to the Department of Health and Human Services, all children over the age of two should get at least sixty minutes of exercise daily. Most children can easily meet this minimum with a little help from their parents. Start by encouraging them to participate in a variety of activities. Childhood is a time of exploration, and daily exercise is a way to determine interests. Outdoor play introduces children to the wonders of nature while organized sports teach them the value of teamwork. Likewise, dancing can ignite a passion while gymnastics encourages agility and flexibility. Any activity your children choose puts them one step closer to a heart healthy lifestyle.

oNutrition: One of the most effective ways to teach children good eating habits is to get them involved in the process. Start by taking them to the grocery store. Let them help you pick out food for the family. As you fill the cart together, explain why you choose some foods over others. For instance, you may tell your five years old that blueberries are good and good for you. If your child is older, however, you might use this opportunity to explain the role antioxidants play in good health. Next, involve your children in the cooking. The kitchen is a fantastic hands-on learning environment. Allow children to chop, measure, and peel. Let them wash, beat, and boil. Buy them a kid-friendly cookbook and put them in charge of a dish or a meal. When they play chef, you get the chance to talk about what foods are good for us and why.

oWater: When it comes to heart health, there is no substitute for pure water. Water helps improve circulation and rid the body of toxins. Therefore, it is important that your children drink plenty of water. Serve water at meals and be sure to send a water bottle to school and sporting events. In addition, limit the amount of fruit juice and sodas your children drink. If they must drink juice, make sure it is 100% natural. Also, if at all possible avoid serving your children soft drinks. They are full of unhealthy chemicals and empty calories, neither of which makes a positive contribution to their heart health.

oBreathing: Deep breathing delivers more oxygen to cells throughout the body. This helps keep the heart healthy and improves circulation. Proper breathing also helps children reduce stress, which has been linked to heart disease. Showing your children how to use breathing to regulate stress is a powerful and heart healthy tool they can use now and for a long time into the future. 

By teaching your children these four heart healthy habits, you are empowering them with knowledge. You are teaching them that a healthy heart depends on good choices and that good choices make for a healthy lifestyle. 

About The Author …

Dr. Tom Goode is the co-founder of the International Breath Institute, which was created in 1991 to teach people how to enhance their health and prevent premature aging. He is also an inspirational speaker, workshop facilitator, and author of five books, the latest of which is The Holistic Guide to Weight Loss, Anti-Aging and Fat Prevention. 

BODYWORK for Health

December 19, 2007

“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” This principle was attributed to Buddha, spoken thousands of years ago. The idea of the essential unity of the body and the mind has been known for centuries. To the Tibetans, to be born with a “precious human body” means one has the perfect vehicle for “obtaining enlightenment.”

This ancient view of the body, unfortunately, has not been very well maintained in the West. In our time, the body has often been seen as the cause of all pain, sin, corruption, and therefore something which must be overcome or discarded if one wants to obtain spiritual growth or internal peace. Guilt, shame, and fear about our bodies is often taught, learned, and practiced. Being ashamed of one’s body is a common psychological problem which spawns many other kinds of mental and emotional difficulties.

The human body is often ignored if not downright abused. Today, we often expose our bodies to toxic situations, polluted air and water, unhealthy food and drink, insufficient rest and sleep, too much or too little exercise, and endanger its health with speeding cars, toxic chemicals, and abrasive or abusive relationships. I wonder what would happen to our propensity for aggression and war if, like the Tibetans, we decided to view our physical bodies as precious.

Working with your own body to keep it tuned, fit, healthy, and functioning might involve many skills we have tended to ignore. Some of these skills are reviewed below.

  1. MASSAGE has been known and practiced for thousands of years as a healing, relaxing, healthy method of bodywork. It can be seen as a way of tuning the body and enhancing self-awareness. It releases body tension, blocked energy, and pent up emotions. Deep massage is a useful method for working directly on our habitual body postures, tensional habits, and unexpressed (suppressed) emotions. We know that how we hold our body-energy tends to “freeze” it in patterns of bodily tension. Massage can free us from such “body armor.”
  2. PURIFICATION has been practiced in various forms for centuries. It becomes all the more important in our modern world, when we are faced with so many toxins, so much clutter, so many stressors. Traditional techniques of purification range from practicing a variety of austerities to eating a balanced and nutritious diet. Some forms today might include eating less, rising a half hour earlier to meditate, centering your attention within, practicing yoga or dancing. It might also include not watching so much TV with all its mind pollutants.
  3. EATING special foods or fasting has been another form of caring for the body. Your blood chemistry changes within minutes of eating. We know how important what we put in our mouths is to maintaining our health. How you eat, what you eat, when you eat, and with whom you eat are all important elements in maintaining a maximally healthy body.
  4. MOVING the body too much creates strain and pain. Moving it too little creates stagnation, muscle shrinkage, and pain. Moving is what our bodies were created to do. If you learn to move in an easy and balanced manner, the body will respond by feeling good, vital, and energetic.
  5. BREATHING is the primary link between our bodies and the world outside us. It is the gate between the unconscious and conscious processes of our bodies. How we breathe affects our bodies immediately and powerfully. Shallow, chest breathing creates unnecessary stress with every breath. Deep, abdominal breathing fills the lungs, provides every cell of the body with vital nutrients and oxygen, and is relaxing. Practice becoming aware of your breathing, watch it, focus your attention on it and your mind becomes calmer. It is a classic form of meditation.
  6. CLEANSING the body through bathing keeps the skin (the largest organ of the body) healthy. In addition to keeping the skin clean, immersion in water is relaxing, and floating in a hot tub frees the body from having to support itself. Some Zen students claim that a half–hour in a bath equals half a day of meditation. The Japanese say the bath is a “gift from the gods.”
  7. Finally, LAUGHTER is a form of bodywork about which we are only recently realizing the benefits. Laughter releases emotional and physical tension. It alters the body’s chemistry; it lifts and enlivens the attitude and mood. It opens the body to connect delightfully with another. Laughter helps heal imbalances and diseases. Even if you practice “forced” laughter, you can strengthen your ability to laugh. It is indeed a skill we all need to build.

Keep your body well by treating it with respect, gentleness, and love. It is after all, the only one you have! Knowing how precious your body is will invite you to do bodywork with joy and delight.

About the Author…

Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D. has 30+ years experience as a Life Coach and Licensed Psychologist. He is available for coaching in any area presented in “Practical Psychology.” Initial coaching sessions are free. Contact him: (970) 568-0173 or E-mail: DrLloyd@CreatingLeaders.com or LJTDAT@aol.com.

Dr. Thomas also serves on the faculty of the Institute For Life Coach Training and the International University of Professional Studies. He recently co-authored (with Patrick Williams) the book: *Total Life Coaching: 50+ Life Lessons, Skills and Techniques for Enhancing Your Practice*and Your Life!* (W.W. Norton 2005) available at your local bookstore or on Amazon.com.

The Truth About Faith and Fear

December 18, 2007

1. Faith expects good things to happen Fear expects bad things to happen

2. Faith takes action Fear holds you back

3. Faith is trust Fear is being suspicious

4. Faith is following your heart Fear is listening to the doubts of others

5. Faith creates peace Fear creates stress

6. Faith is power Fear is weakness

7. Faith produces understanding Fear produces confusion

8. Faith is the fruit of truth Fear is the fruit of lies

9. Faith is an antidote to your fears Fear is a poison to your body and soul

10. Faith must be nourished Fear must be starved

11. Faith keeps you connected to your Source Fear separates you from your Source

12. Faith produces positive results Fear produces negative results

13. Faith is a personal choice Fear is a learned behavior

14. Faith keeps you going Fear gives up

15. Faith is a gift that should be appreciated Fear is a curse that should be rejected

16. Faith in God, others and yourself leads to success Fear in anything leads to failure

17. Faith creates life Fear destroys it

18. Faith is compassionate Fear is unmerciful

19. Faith is patient Fear is anxious

20. Faith believes Fear doubts

21. Faith compliments Fear competes

22. Faith is generous Fear is selfish

23. Faith is light Fear is darkness

24. Faith leads to love Fear leads to anger

25. Faith produces prosperity Fear produces poverty

Keith Cameron Smith These are the first 25 of 101 Distinctions between Faith and Fear reprinted with permission from Keith Cameron Smith, Bestselling Author of The Spiritual Millionaire. Visit his site, keithcameronsmith.com

Dr. Tom Goode is the co-founder of the International Breath Institute, which was created in 1991 to teach people how to enhance their health and prevent premature aging. He is also an inspirational speaker, workshop facilitator, and author of five books, the latest of which is The Holistic Guide to Weight Loss, Anti-Aging and Fat Prevention. 

Breathing during Pregnancy: The Pregnancy Walk

December 17, 2007

Pregnant women all over the world walk throughout their pregnancies. Most of the time it’s to get from here to there but occasionally, a woman slows her pace and slows her mind and walks with her breath, which she shares with her baby.

A breath walk is a walking mediation, much like monks practice. It can be done anywhere but I suggest choosing a quiet place to minimize distraction. Do not carry anything in your hands – they need to swing freely. Wear a backpack on both shoulders if you need to carry water or a sweater. This walk will not make you sweat so dress appropriately.

To begin, stand with your feet about should-width apart. Let your weight spread evenly across your heel and ball of your foot. Relax your jaw and shoulders. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, in a four-part rhythm:
1. Inhale slowly for a count of four
2. Hold your breath for a count of four
3. Slowly release your breath for a count of four
4. Pause again for a count of four
5. Repeat four times.

On the fifth inhale, step forward, pause, step forward with the other foot on the exhale and pause again. Do that four times.

If you like the slow pace, keep walking this way (though do open your eyes). If you feel impatient, increase the speed by breathing normally and walking in rhythm to your breath. Try both of these paces:
1. Take one step with each foot for each inhale and one step on each foot for each exhale.
2. Take four steps (two each foot) for each inhale.

Play with changing the length of your step. Let your arms hang and swing in reaction to your body movements. Moving mediations require a different way of being in your body. By practicing how to keep your upper body and jaw relaxed while you focus your awareness is on your breath and walk in rhythm, you are practicing for labor and taking care of an infant.

Most women can talk and move comfortably through their early contractions. Do a breath walk with your partner around the block. You could also use your breath to move to music (your own inner choir or a piece you’ve practiced dancing to already).

By learning how to stay present to your breath while doing something else, you are learning to mindfully multi-task, a skill that will serve you well as you learn to care for a newborns’ needs.

Enjoy the walk.


About The Author …
Anna Stewart, B.A., C.M.T., C.H.T., mothers three young children, one with special needs. In her classes, workshops and services, she weaves her expertise as a professional writer, creative artist and student of rhythm dance. Her intention is to provide a safe environment for women to explore their personal experiences and feelings as mothers. Her skills as well as her passion to bear witness to others provides a solid base for compassionate understanding of the individual and the larger community.

Anna offers a number of classes in the Boulder, Colorado area. She can be reached at 303-499-7681 or via e-mail at anna@motherhands.com. Her website is http://www.motherhands.com.